The V-front Watkins Dominator is the stuff of legend, and a very rare and collectable amp nowadays. Although it's 17 watts precluded it being used on-stage by the main protagonists in the "beat boom" of the 1960s, just about every famous British guitarist either used one or coveted one in the days before they were famous. An icon!
It seems to have made it's debut in early 1960 as a replacement for the earlier 1958-59 Westminster 15-20 watt V-front model. The angled 10" speakers would give a better spread of sound. Maybe so, but they certainly gave the amp a uniquely distinctive appearance. Most are seen in turquoise & cream coverings : although there may have been early maroon & cream and later black & cream versions.
Early versions have a black control panel centered in the top of the amp. Later versions have a blue control panel positioned at the rear and wrapping around into the back panel. All seem to have two Elac 10" speakers. 2 channels, 4 inputs and tremolo. 2 EL 84s provide the output power.
1963 Watkins Dominator
• Preamp tubes: three ECC83/12AX7
• Output tubes: two EL84
• Rectifier: EZ81
• Controls: Volume and Tone switch for Mic channel; Volume, Tone, Tremolo, Speed, and Depth for Guitar channel
• Output: approximately 17 watts RMS
• Speaker: two 10″ Elac Alnico-magnet drivers
Amp is fully serviced.