The Costalab Twin Compressor is a dual compressor
...incorporates the CostaLab Compressor and all its sound characteristics and functional.
Furthermore, the addition of a rotary switch lets you select one of the two options, "Ross" and "Dyna" that remind of the two sounds of two compressors that made history of the modern guitar. With a simple click you can switch between the softer attack and slow release of the Ross mode, and the quick release and fastest attack of Dynamode. The Twin Compressor is a very useful machine for those who want to have inside the same box two distinct choices, two tones that can further characterize your approach to making music, without distinction with your guitar or your bass.
From enhancement of the execution by the slide technique, that best expresses by using the Ross settings, to the funky rhythmic of the ‘80s that best suit the Dyna settings, the Twin Compressor represents the necessary synthesis in order to customize your style. Due of the choice of selected components, especially the IC, the pedal preserves the timbre of your excellent sound and its noiseless is a really absolute pleasure. The unit is powered by 9 DC volts and is connected by the classic DC 2.1 mm plug with negative pole-center. The current draw is less than 20 mA. The unit can also operate with a 9-volt battery. In this case the circuit is on by the input jack. In order to save the battery life it is recommended to remove the input jack from the socket when you stop using it.
You can still keep the battery inside the pedal even when it is powered through the DC socket, for the external power supply system is able to automatically rule out the battery. The unit is 120x95x34mm not counting the knob and the jacks. The CostaLab Twin Compressor is entirely hand made in all its parts: the circuit is manually assembled, wired and tested one by one, the die cast aluminum box is hand pierced. When ready, each single model is 24 hours continuously tested in order to identify any defect.